层次树统计 汇总" title="Oracle 层次树统计 汇总" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fdl.iteye.com%2Fupload%2Fattachment%2F242895%2F68da1240-04d9-388a-9ebd-b110c60f4dbd.jpg" action-type="show-slide" style="border: 0px; list-style: none; color: rgb(73, 73, 73); font-family: Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 25.2px;">
层次树统计 汇总" title="Oracle 层次树统计 汇总" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fdl.iteye.com%2Fupload%2Fattachment%2F242897%2F66a6a769-9c4a-3e2a-8cd4-6ff5d558d6fc.jpg" action-type="show-slide" style="border: 0px; list-style: none; color: rgb(73, 73, 73); font-family: Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 25.2px;">
sql 语句:
- with temp as(
- select t1.deptid as id, t1.supdeptid parent, num, level levs,t1.deptname
- from dept t1
- left join (select deptid, count(t.deptid) num
- from emp t
- group by t.deptid) t2 on t1.deptid = t2.deptid
- start with t1.supdeptid is null
- connect by prior t1.deptid = t1.supdeptid)
- select lpad(' ', 4 * levs, ' ')||id as id,lpad(' ', 4 * levs, ' ')||deptname as deptname,
- (select nvl(num, 0) from temp where id = t.id) +
- (select nvl(sum(num), 0)
- from temp
- connect by parent = prior id
- start with parent = t.id) cnt
- from temp t
层次树统计 汇总" title="Oracle 层次树统计 汇总" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fdl.iteye.com%2Fupload%2Fattachment%2F242900%2Fe38af876-12ed-3f9e-8d77-7cb5d67d8ab2.jpg" action-type="show-slide" style="border: 0px; list-style: none; color: rgb(73, 73, 73); font-family: Helvetica, Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; line-height: 25.2px;">
oracle10g sql语句:
- select a.root as id, nvl(sum(b.num), 0) num
- from (select id, fid, connect_by_root(id) root
- from (select d.deptid as id, d.supdepid as fid from dept d start with d.supdepid is null
- connect by prior d.deptid = d.supdepid)
- connect by prior id = fid) a
- left join (select deptid, count(t.deptid) num from emp t group by t.deptid) b on a.id =
- b.deptid
- group by root
- order by root;